$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable2) Update repository
$ sudo apt-get update3) Reinstall package to latest version
$ sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefoxNote:
Tested on Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit and Linux Mint 10 64-bit.
A blog by an ordinary Linux user who uses Windows in his day job.
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable2) Update repository
$ sudo apt-get update3) Reinstall package to latest version
$ sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefoxNote:
<link href='your icon url' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/>5) Save Template.
CmdLet | Alias | Bash |
Get-ChildItem | gci, dir, ls | ls |
Get-Content | gc, type, cat | cat |
Get-Command | gcm | which |
Get-Help | help, man | man |
Clear-Host | cls, clear | clear |
Copy-Item | cpi, copy, cp | cp |
Move-Item | mi, move, mv | mv |
Remove-Item | ri, del, erase, rmdir, rd, rm | rm, rmdir |
Rename-Item | rni, ren, mv | mv |
Get-Location | gl, pwd | pwd |
Pop-Location | popd | popd |
Push-Location | pushd | pushd |
Set-Location | sl, cd, chdir | cd |
Tee-Object | tee | tee |
Write-Output | echo, write | echo |
Get-Process | gps, ps | ps |
Stop-Process | spps, kill | kill |
Select-String | n/a | grep |
Set-Variable | sv, set | set |
> sdelete -c [drive letter]3) Compact the virtual disk image
$ VBoxManage modifyhd [filename] --compactVMWare user
VMWare Tools Properties
Preparing shrink process
Ready to go
Shrinking in progress